get a FREE copy

You want to check out a copy of Tickle My Nausea for free (well just about)? If you have never seen TMN before and you would like to check it out, I will be more than happy to mail you a copy of the current issue for in exchange for a few stamps or an IRC or two. I can also be convinced to send it to you completely free. If you feel like convining me, email me your name, street adress, counrtry, and email address and tell me your situation. This offer is open to anyone -- no matter where in the world you are -- who has never recieved a copy of TMN before.
If you want to go ahead and send stamps (2 or 3 will do it! Or an IRC) to get the issue it is greatly appreciated (covers postage sending the zine to you, that's it) just drop the stamps/IRC in the mail. The address is:

Tickle My Nausea
c/o J. Letkemann
please email me for the address
(I'll post a new TMN mailing address here shortly)

Please include your name, address, and email address

Questions? Email me.

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