"I'm drawn to any character of extremes because that's where I'm coming from. I've never been able to find a happy medium"
-Melody Maker 2/22/92
"With vinyl you get to read the cereal box while eating your cereal."
-Raygun 3/95
Whenever he visited Chicago as a kid, he had this game he'd play on the trains. He'd pick the ugliest, meanest guy, sit next to him, "and kinda get into his trip." If he grumbled, Eddie grumbled; if he sneered, Eddie sneered. By the end of the journey, they'd be shaking hands and exchanging phone numbers.
-Details 8/92
"Jeff works a lot on the artwork, and he's really into color. I'm sort of color blind, so I kind of resent color. I'm joking. But really, the music I listen to and like the most is black and white...Just really stark, emotional, direct stuff. Simple."
-Spin 12/93
"Sure I have good days. I had a good time last night. the Frogs were here and we were up till 5 in the morning. Everyone had wigs and masks on, and all switching instruments. I also feel goo about how our music is going." - Houston Chronicle 1/5/95
"Once we had this amazing jam, but when we ckeckedthe tape recorder the batteries were dead. We couldn't believe it! We were crushed because we thought this was really something. We call them "the great lost songs. We imagine how all these dead guys like Hendrix look out of their clouds, watching all these songs flying by. Probably they play them now. So at least we know we're contributing to thier heavenly concert."-Sky Magazine 1993
"I was impressed the other night when we [he and Mudhoney] were talking about that "Leaving Here" song, this old high numbers song i came accross, and Lukin busts out, "Yeah, I got Motorhead doing it."" -Raygun 3/95
"I'm pretty old. I'm 48. Or at least I feel that way. And I mean that." -Melody Maker 2/22/92
"Nothingman" is "a song about getting hit in the head, turning a cheek, then getting hit in the head again." Pause. "Come to think of it, that's what all of the songs are about."
-onstage, Moore Theater, Seattle, 2/95
"Another nice thing when you type is that you have all these pages at the end of the night. The next morning you wake up and there's this pile of paper just sitting there; it makes you feel that you did something."- Sky Magazine 1993
"Speaking of getting the kids involved, I always wished that in interviews they would put at least the chords to one of the songs." -Raygun 3/95
"You know, that's my probably my problem - I do give a fuck, and when someone says [somethign bad about PJ] it does distress me."
- Downtown Edition (Milwaukee) 8/22/92
"I could run around that lake as fast as I could, just to say that i'd done it and had that experience, or I could sit here on the bus and look at it and think about it. But you have to do it, it make life worth..hell, man, this sounds so fucking stupid. Naw, you can't print this. Unless you're there, or unless you see it, or unless you hang out with me for a day, or unless we run that lake together." -Melody Maker 2/22/92
"The music is art. that's what I'm married to. I'm not married to the thought of any kind of stardom or mass popularity. That, almost, is something that makes me uneasy."
- Downtown Edition (Milwaukee) 8/22/92
"When I come home [from touring], my girlfriend looks at me as if I'm a stranger for at least the first four days. I sit in the corner with a book and a paper and I scrawl on it, or I keep walking throught the room. This sounds funny now, but it's not good when it happens." -Sky Magazine 1993